To order a product, you can select it on our website and send the order via Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram or to our email. In the message, please indicate the full name of the product you want to buy and you can also attach a photo of it. You can also tell us your wishes regarding the size of the product, its color, etc.
If you would like to order a custom product that is not listed on our website, please let us know your specific wishes regarding its production. These may be wishes for appearance, for its color, for its shape, size, etc. You can also send us photos, a drawing or visualization of a product that will need to be made to order. After that, we will be able to tell you the exact cost of this product and the time of its manufacture.
Usually, the production time is 5-10 business days. With an individual order, the finished product may have some differences from the example shown in the photo. Therefore, before sending your order, we can send photographs of the finished product so that you can see your order in finished form.
After agreement with the customer, we can start manufacturing the product. Production time is usually around 5-7 business days. After manufacturing, we can show you a photo or video of the finished product.
If you are satisfied, we list the item on our Etsy or Ebay store. Then you make a purchase in the standard store mode. After the purchase, we send the goods to the specified address.
Delivery of finished products is possible to the EU countries, Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Israel, Switzerland, Qatar, UAE and also to other countries of the world.
Delivery is carried out by postal services of the country of the recipient. Delivery time depends on the remoteness of the country and is about 14-30 days. Shipping is paid separately from the cost of the goods.
The exact terms and cost of delivery must be specified when ordering.